Application & Database Development

Get the most out of your business data

These days your workforce, your partners, and your business performance demand easy access to actionable information from anywhere at any time. To keep the information flowing, you need a solution that unites database information with business process applications and makes the results available from any web-enabled device.

The CEIgroup. Inc. offers comprehensive database and development solutions for:

  • Data-driven websites - including internet and intranet applications
  • Custom builds - intranets, extranets, and customized dashboard reports
  • Custom business process solutions - incorporating sales automation, online order processing, fulfillment, product information management, and online training
  • Workflow automation - integrating your IT systems to improve business processes
  • Industry-standard Microsoft tools - we feature Microsoft SQL server and use Microsoft Visual Studio.NET for application development

Custom database and application development solutions are the best possible way to protect and share your business data for the way the world works today.

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