Common problems with virtual server backup

Over the years, data virtualization has provided businesses more options to manage their data. However, even virtualized data is susceptible to loss. This is why you need a good data backup solution to protect it, and be prepared to face some common problems when backing up virtualized data. Data virtualization involves taking all enterprise data […]

3 Tips for Virtualization as a DR solution

One effective Disaster Recovery (DR) solution for small businesses that most people are unaware of is Virtualization. The former is a strategy used to recover your business after a disaster has struck, while the latter is a way for businesses to save money by running all their office PCs on a “virtual” server. Read on […]

A quick guide to Android backups

Your Android phone is your life. It contains business documents, calendar reminders, and contacts you can’t afford to lose. So if an unforeseen incident suddenly wipes out your data, you better be sure you’ve fully backed up your Android device. If you haven’t, check out this guide. Take advantage of cloud services The best way […]

4 things you should know about the cloud

Cloud computing has proven to be a cost-effective necessity for small businesses. Owners can now breathe a sigh of relief as website hosting, email services implementation and online file storage have become easier thanks to the cloud. However, there are still many owners who remain misinformed about installing a cloud infrastructure at their company. Here […]